Thursday, December 22, 2016

Copyswede receives the right again: computers and tablets are coated with hårddiskavgift – IDG.see

Copyswede has once again scored through their demands on the so-called kassettskatten, or hårddiskavgiften. Samsung must tell me how many tablets and computers they sell, and to pay the private copying for the storage memory in each device. Thus Patents and övermarknadsdomstolen on the same line as the Solna district court.

the legal dispute between Samsung and Copyswede has been going on since the autumn of 2013. It was then the collecting society began to demand private copying for all computer products with the storage memory, that is to say, on tablets, computers and external hard drives. The companies had to tell you how many units they sold, and report it to the Copyswede.

also Read: Has kassettskatten played out its role? Almost no privatkopierar longer according to new study

Many went to pay the fee, but Samsung refused. Copyswede sued therefore the electronics company in July 2014. Solna district court gave the collecting society the right. And the court hearing the appeal agree, the computers and tablet set is to ensure that “particularly likely” for exempelframställning for private use, in upphovsrättslagens meaning. In principle, this is what computers are for. Thus, the manufacturer must pay a fee to the rättighetsägarna.

last summer was The Copyswede winning out a similar battle. Then it was Telia that was the counterparty, and the question was about the Iphone. The supreme court’s decision landed in that even the smart phones to be privatkopieringsavgift.

Patents and marknadsöverdomstolens judgment, which can be read here, cannot be appealed.

Klas Elm, ceo of the electronics industry, is not surprised by today’s ruling. When IDG.see reach him at lunchtime, he has not been put into, in the judgment of the details.

– But generally I can say that the verdict shows the urgent need to review the Swedish legislation. Regerigen promised an overview ten years ago. In addition it must regulations justeraras so that they in all cases are in harmony with EU law, ” he says.

Copyswede also thought that the judgment was expected.

– They go in the same line as the district court and refers, in addition to Telia’s judgment in the Supreme court. Noting that tablets and computers are specifically dedicated to private copying, ” says Mattias Åkerlind, ceo of Copyswede.


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