Sunday, October 9, 2016

Tough challenge to build a Swedish battery factory – New Technologies

Tesla is known as the Peter Carlsson is working for a large Swedish battery factory to be built in Sweden. Many similar schemes have previously failed.

Peter Carlsson, who until last year sat in the Tesla direction, has plans for a Swedish battery factory like Tesla’s Gigafactory. The idea is that the factory will produce lithium-ion batteries for electric cars and energy storage in the electric grid to supply Europe.

But Peter Carlsson is far from the first with the idea. Many others have had similar dreams about the Swedish batterifabriker. In many cases, the dreams have been broken.

the Year 2009 went föera Swedish companies together to invest in a Swedish battery factory.

Read more: , the Swedes want to start battery factory

the Idea was to produce lithium-ion batteries and at the same time to download in other countries a head start in the race for better batteries.

in the venture were, among others, the research institute Swerea IVF, and the state venture capital company Fouriertransform. The group was 2.4 million sek to a study from Vinnova, Tillväxtverket and the Swedish energy agency. All said no, and the plans were scuppered.

– the Swedish energy agency thought we had nothing to come by in Sweden, and that we had some unique technology, ” says Lars Avellán, many years of industrial researchers at Swerea IVF and is now a consultant.

Lars Avellán

the Company Boston Power has also had grand plans in a new plant in Sweden that would manufacture lithium-ion batteries. But the factory went instead to China.

Read more: China stole batterifabriken from Sweden.

A further example is the company Effpower, which would produce a new and better kind of lead-acid batteries and got around 80 million in investment from Fouriertransform. But Effpower still went bankrupt.

Some companies, however, have managed to get started battery production in Sweden. But several of them have had difficult to achieve profitability. It applies, among others, ETC Battery. For close to ten years ago, reported the New Technologies on the company’s plans to launch production of a new type of lithium-ion batteries in the Nol outside Kungälv. ETC the Battery however were never business to lift in march of this year became the laboratory for the battery tests at SP, the Swedish technical research institute.

Any battery production in the Nol, it was never for the ETC Battery. However, the spun off company Alelion Energy Systems from the business. Alelion manufactures litiumjonbatteier in Sweden, mainly to forklift trucks, from battery cells which are produced in Asia.

But also Alelion has been difficult to get economic spin on the business. During the company’s first ten years, it has not yet gone with the win. Last year there was a loss of 19 million after financial items.

Batteriföretaget Nilar, who pulled off a pilotfabrik in Gävle, sweden 2011 to produce nickelmetallhybridbatterier for trucks and electricity networks, has also difficult to achieve profitability. The factory last year made a loss of 33 million.

But if Tesla is known as the Peter Carlsson is looking positive examples are also batterijätten Juice, which manufactures nickel-cadmium batteries in Oskarshamn. The factory has gone with profit in the last ten years and delivered last year 345 million in profit.

Oskarshamnsfabriken and the rest of the Saftkoncernen was bought in the summer by the French oil giant Total Group, which wants to speed up its transition to renewable energy and see the battery production as an important component.

– Generally, the market situation for different types of batteries good. There seems to be room for a variety of batteritekniker in parallel, ” says Mari Kadowaki, press officer at Saft in Oskarshamn.

Lars Avellán at Swerea IVF believes, however, that Peter Carlsson has a hefty challenge ahead.

Read more: Expert critical to the plans of the Swedish battery factory

– so far it is not proven that it is possible to engage in commercial and profitable production of battery cells outside of Asia. Complete line of success stories is that Asia produces, ” he says.

Kjell Lundgren has been with ETC Battery from the beginning, and devotes himself now to wind up operations in Nol. He thinks that no proper attempt to get started the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries in Sweden has not yet been made and wish Tesla is known as the Peter Carlsson good luck.

– Aktiebolaget Sweden has not supported the whole. Vinnova and the Swedish energy agency has not dared to take the plunge. Why would we, who are so good at researching the battery technology on the development, I find it hard to understand, ” he says.


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