Friday, October 14, 2016

A young man was cut by the clown in the Varberg – Aftonbladet

the Fear of clowns is called coulrofobi.

The clownpanik spread like a wildfire all over the world. However, it is unclear what started the clowntrenden.

Some argue that it stems from the calls to action in social media, others have suggested that it is a marketing ploy in the face of any new horror movie.

Reports of creepy clowns have in recent years reported from countries like USA, Uk, France, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. But it is not a new phenomenon.

Already in 1981 warned elementary school students in Massachusetts in the united states for the menacing clowns in a black car.

A known malevolent clown are in Stephen Kings book “It” from 1986. A new feature film, reportedly with Bill Skarsgård in the role as the clown Pennywise, is expected to have its premiere next year.

Source: TT.


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