Sunday, September 4, 2016

More Muslim schools in Sweden have gender-segregated physical education lessons – Nyheter24

The muslismska school Al-Azhar school in Stockholm has received several eye on after the media reported on their gender segregated sport.

But it is not just Al- Azhar School divides girls and boys. Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reports that half of the country’s Muslim schools has divided the sport.

There are ten schools in Sweden with a Muslim orientation, which is registered with the National Agency. And there are four schools, five of Al-Azhar school, gender sport.

The principal of one school believes that the school had divided sports for several years and it has gone well.

– They say to schools and teachers to the need to adapt the lessons to the students’ needs. When we do that, then everyone says “no, you will not adapt in this way,” says Khemais Bassoum , principal of Progress School.

Four of the ten schools state they have common sport and the last has chosen not to answer the question, reports Svenska Dagbladet.

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