Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Components of the Ringhals from cheating steel foundry – New Technology

Areva scandal may have reached Sweden.

Steel components from the suspected manufacturer has installed on the Ringhals nuclear power plant. Techniques are now looking for quality defects.

There are components of the Ringhals nuclear power plant that has been manufactured by the French reactor manufacturer Areva gjutverkstad in the town of Le Creusot.

The foundry is a subsidiary of Areva and is suspected to have cheated with the quality control of steel cargo since 1965 have been sold to over 100 reactors in the world.

Krister Svahn, press manager at Ringhals AB, which operates the Ringhals reactors in Varberg municipality, said:

– An inventory is under way to identify which components of the plant that may contain parts made from the plant in Le Creusot. It shows that there are a limited number of details that have been manufactured by the factory.

The nuclear power plant technicians examine together with Areva for the components could have some flaws.

– Our basic requirement is that the components we buy are tested and approved according to the current requirement level. It is therefore important for Ringhals to assure us that it is now reported to not affect the component robustness, says Krister Svahn.

According to him, the inventory may cover all four reactor units at the plant.

the parts made by the French foundry and so far found, sitting in the push holder between the reactor Ringhals-4 and the steam generator, said he.

AREVA scandal began to come to light in 2015 when the weaknesses and flaws in the steel to a reactor tank discovered when they built a new pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant Flamanville, on the French channel coast.

the search for an explanation led to the discovery of defects in quality records from the factory in Le Creusot.

In May, the French authority ASN to about 400 components provided with quality certificates that contain discrepancies or conflicting information on topics such as test results.

A high-Areva chief does not rule out that the documents may have been falsified.

According to Krister Svahn Ringhals AB has received information from Areva that it mainly can be components of the just PWRs concerned.

In the first instance examine now the steel components of the blocks 3 and 4.

Even reactor 2 at Ringhals is a pressurized water reactor. It is now running due to problems with corrosion in the base of the reactor vessel containment.

French ASN has required to get a complete list of possibly defective parts by Areva as soon as possible.


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