Sunday, May 29, 2016

Apple chills! 22 figures that describe the first 40 years –

This year, Apple has been around for 40 years, and there are 40 exciting year with many highlights and the occasional valley. From the sluggish years in the early nineties to recent breathtaking sales figures from some guys and gals in a garage to tens of thousands of employees – this is Apple in numbers.


Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne (who soon withdrew from the company). The first computer, the Apple 1, was built by hand in the Jobs family garage and sold for $ 666.66.


The year the the first Mac, Macintosh 128k, went on sale. It was also the name of the iconic commercials for the Macintosh that was run in the same year and was based on the book of the same name.

$ 900 000

the price Apple paid for advertising the film in 1984 when it appeared in the third break of Super Bowl XVIII.


the number of Macs sold in 2013.


The number of Macs sold in 2012.

50 000

the number of Macs sold during the first three months of life. Apple expected to sell as many units of 100 days, but reached the target after only 73 (6 April 1984). On the hundredth day, 72 000 units were sold, but the marketing manager Barbara Koalkin boasted: “We could have sold 200,000 if we had been able to make them.”

250 000

The total number of Macintosh sold in 1984 . It was not until September 1985 before 500,000 had been sold, and the millionth Mac was sold in March 1987.

$ 500

the manufacturing cost of the first the Macintosh.

2 $ 495

The sales price for the original the Macintosh. There were several things behind the substantial difference between price and cost of production. Apple had added $ 78 million to develop it, and John Sculley had agreed to add $ 15 million on an advertising campaign that included the Ridley Scott-directed “1984″. Steve Jobs originally hoped to sell Macintosh in 1495 dollars.

128 kilobytes

The amount of internal memory in the original the Macintosh, which was postponed to name to distinguish it from the new model with 512 kilobytes soon released.

400 kilobytes

the storage space on the disks used in Macintosh. It was enough for the system, a program and the files created by that program. Users need to have a bunch of disks to hand and switch between them.


The total number of Macs that Apple has sold, until October 2013.


the number of push messages that have been sent to a total of iOS devices and Macs (in the middle of 2013). Already in 2012 was sent 7 billion notes a day.


Antalet Apple stores in the world. Three of these are in Sweden, while 268 are in the US. China has in a few years gone from just a couple of stores to 32.

1 million

The number of visitors on an average day in Apple gathered shops.


Apple’s revenue in fiscal year 2015 was 233 billion – 1.25 percent of the US gross domestic product (GDP).

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the value of the crowns on the brand Apple, according to Forbes . That makes Apple the world’s most valuable brand, before Google, Microsoft, Coca-Cola and Facebook.

430 000

According to Forbes latest measurement at the end of 2014 drew Apple’s stores on average in this many per year – per square meter.


the number of apps in the App Store .

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the number of trees that Apple will plant around their new headquarters, Campus 2, in Cupertino.

115 000

the number of full-time employees who work at Apple. A large proportion of those working in the company’s stores, but many also support technician.


So many jobs have been according to Apple created around the world, thanks to the App Store.


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