Thursday, February 11, 2016

Researcher: We have found the gravitational waves – Sveriges Radio

– The gravitational waves emanating from two colliding black holes collided for 1.3 billion years ago and now has the gravitational waves from this stone reached the Earth, says Ulrika Björkstén, director of science editors of the Swedish Radio.

What is this announcement matter?

– these gravitational waves predicted Albert Einstein 100 years ago and it is the first time one has been able to confirm that his prediction was correct. It has been seen indirect evidence of gravitational waves before, but this is the first time that one has been able to measure them directly in these two detectors at the same time in different parts of the United States.

– This was calculated using a detector is several kilometers long where you see the tiny variations in a laser beam. It’s about a variation in atomic size, so it is extremely small vibrations, it’s about where the space-time is curved.

In 2014 came clearance that scientists have been able to identify gravitational waves. But this time it turned out to be dust in the Milky Way. The big question now is how scientists can be so sure that there is dust this time.

– Yes absolutely sure, one can not be when it is announced at a press conference in this way. So a bit skeptical you should be until we have seen that this is confirmed further, says Ulrika Björkstén.

– But it has going for it is true is that there are two different detectors in two different places in the US that has the same thing at the same time. And then there is a much more direct measurement than what was published in 2014 from a radio telescope.


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