Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Better technology can reduce emissions from agriculture – Sveriges Radio

The researchers at Chalmers and the Swedish SP Technical Research Institute, in a recent study concluded that there is great potential in technology improvements as a means to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.

Different types of technology improvements would, according to the study could account for up to half of the reduction needs to be achieved in agriculture, if we are to achieve the EU’s climate targets.

A area where there are great opportunities for improvement are manure management. A large part of agricultural greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane comes namely from manure management, explains Chalmers researcher David Bryngelsson.

– You could for example cover slurry pits with a completely air-tight membranes. Then stop the production of nitrous oxide, he said.

Also in terms of production of fertilizer is much to do to reduce emissions, according to the study. And in the case of manure that is spread on the fields, one could mix the substances that prevent the formation of nitrous oxide, known as nitrification.

Still would the consumption of beef and dairy products need to be reduced, say the researchers behind the new study. They also point out that it is important to distinguish between beef and other meats.

– There is so low emissions associated with particularly chicken and some also pork, so it is incorrect to regard it as great climate issues, said David Bryngelsson.

to reach such a large reduction of emissions that scientists look is possible with technology improvements are needed both more research and financial incentives, says David Bryngelsson. He calls for an active climate policy directed towards agriculture and food production, a policy he believes is missing today.

– If climate policy should be taken seriously, you have to all sectors. Today, the production of food for a fairly large share of emissions, but is exempt climate policy.


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