Monday, January 25, 2016

Public safety network Rachel needs to be complemented with mobile broadband “- New Technology


When terrestrial TV channels are moved from the 700-megaherzbandet to lower frequencies and next year the National Post and Telecom Agency, PTS, a free radio space to allocate considered particularly suitable for mobile broadband or 4g.

– A new allocation of frequencies will be towards the end of the year, says Jonas Wessel, Head of Spectrum Department at PTS.

Along with the MSB, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, PTS has a Government assignment where one should suggest how the emergency services come to be take advantage of mobile broadband services in their work, for example, save lives.

Today, using rescue services, police and ambulance personnel communication network Rachel – mostly for speech but also to transmit important data such as ECG from ambulances to hospital.

– Rachel network is the only one of the communication network for critical infrastructure that is developed throughout the country meeting our security demands. But our challenge today is that the data capabilities offered no longer adequately meet the demands of what users want to do, says Minna Nyman, Director of Operations for Rachel and management of MSB.

Rachel can transfer data which is low resolution but speed is only 3.5 kilobits / sec and no longer correspond to the police or emergency services requirements.

– They want to be sent streaming video, höglupplösta images, perform searches, a look at fingerprints or download drawings of a house, for example, she says.

It is not possible to get mobile broadband speed of Rachel – and therefore glances now MSB with big eyes on it soon free 700 band.

– Public Key operators are increasingly mobile and want to solve more and more tasks in the field. We see that Rachel needs to be complemented with mobile broadband services, says Minna Nyman.

– Our assignment includes describing the needs and requirements of mobile broadband communications for essential services in public safety, security, health and defense.

Replacing Rachel entirely with mobile network is not up to date in the foreseeable future, but maybe in 10-15 years.

– Rachel is the only nationwide national system of radio communication, it is encrypted, using group calls, has superior coverage and reliability, stresses Minna Nyman.

While 700 band gets off quite so soon, is now also LTE standard (4g) being standardized for the emergency services.

At the same time also the country’s mobile operators in their side happy to use the 700 band to create better coverage and to develop new services for its broadband customers.

Martin Persson’s network manager at Telia says to SR News that.

– It is better to commercial operators get the rather limited spectrum available and that they can use their services. Instead, they offer emergency services to go in our networks. I think that is a better and more cost-effective solution.

Meanwhile, says Minna Nyman says that blue light authorities ‘requirements for availability, information security, robustness and’ control over infrastructure “must be taken into account.

– The is also important how the traffic flows, it may not leave the kingdom, and there are also strong privacy requirements.

PTS has proposed that the new frequencies will be auctioned and consultations in progress.

Jonas Wessel can in the current situation only conclude that there are different interests that are interested in the exciting spectrum. Notification of the plans, in the report, PTS and MSB must submit to the government on 18 March.

First round in 2020 is expected the old 450 network become available.

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