Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Therefore, Windows 10 be really hard to deal with – for Microsoft –

In the past, released a major new version of Windows every three years. When packaged varieties for business customers and consumers, and then released in smaller packages with new features from time to time. Those days are gone. Now comes the new functionality in a steady stream, and they can be installed at different rates by different types of users.

An example is “current branch” for consumers means that new Features pour in. Corporate customers, however, have the ability to wait to install some new features, for example, to ensure compatibility for applications.

This sounds well, thinking certainly the majority of customers, but also cause some problems.

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– New functionality and faster updates are great, but can also result problems for the IT department. Companies want to ensure that hardware and key applications work and need to control. Some complain that they can not limit some features, says Peter Tasi, analyst at Spiceworks, the IDG News.

How is it for Microsoft? How hard is it to keep track of different configurations, which also are in different stages of change?

In some cases , Microsoft has been forced to remove functionality to introduce new options that are not as feature-rich. The browser Edge in comparison with Internet Explorer is an example.

– We believe this way of working makes it possible to deliver better functionality in the long term, but some solutions are introduced on a small scale and grow with time, says Gabriel Aul, manager of technical solutions for Windows and hardware devices at Microsoft.

The bottom line is that Microsoft in some cases, taking a step backwards, in order to later take two steps forward, in terms of the development of Windows.

The great danger in terms of quality is to it becomes even more important for Microsoft to keep timetables, as more “moving parts” in Windows affect each other.

– If the becomes much delay, it will affect tests of the major solutions to businesses, which can affect companies’ timetables for the introduction of solutions, says Steve Kleynhaus, head of mobile devices and other client devices at Gartner.

Read also: Windows 10 a smash hit on business – rolled out at a furious pace

He mentions advanced security features as an example. If future complex security solutions in Windows, maybe delayed corporate clients choose to ignore them.

According to Gartner, half of the large companies in the world to begin to upgrade to Windows 10 next year. For this we can draw two conclusions. First, Microsoft’s new strategy for the development of Windows has not influenced the introduction of Windows 10 negative.

Second that any problems will arise seriously next year. If Microsoft mess up with delays, it will have greater impact than ever before.


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