Thursday, April 9, 2015

The risk of committing sex crimes can be handed down within families – Swedish Radio

Swedish researchers have examined the men who rape women or commit other crimes that have to do with sex. The investigators found that the risk of committing sex crimes increased about any other man in the family was already sex offender.

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– In male relatives, as fathers and brothers, there is a heightened risk by 5 times, says Professor Långström. It is he who has been the leader of the researchers who did the study.

Good evidence digits
researchers by randomly selecting 1,000 men, which at any time, so it is usually about 5 of those men who have ever been convicted of sex crimes. But when the researchers selected 1,000 men, which is closely related to a sex offender tends to be 25 of the men who also themselves have committed sex crimes.

Långström says that the investigation has good evidence that sexbrotten may be due to inheritance :
– We’re pretty confident that these numbers are.

Much depends on the genes
The researchers also wanted to know about this risk was attributable to genes in the body or if it depended on how the men had the comfort of their families.

Previously, scientists believed that the environment plays a major role, says, Långström:
– Then it was thought a long time that this because the parents behaving badly towards their children and therefore becomes a problem in the next generation. But we have been able to show that this risk of sex crimes are even if you do not grow up in the same environment.

Personality is important
The new study shows that the risk to commit sex crimes in large part due to genes. For genes control part which personality we get.

The people who commit sex crimes often do things without first think carefully. Some sex offenders also have problems with drinking too much alcohol or using drugs.
And many sex offenders thinking excessively about sex. It is also common to sexbrottlingar thinking more themselves than on others.

– It is the properties that we know increases sexual offenses, and also another crime, say, Långström.

You can get help
same time it is important not to suspect innocent people. Most people who are closely related to a sex offender does not commit this type of crime, says Långström:
– You do not automatically become sexual offender just because you have this genetically elevated risk.

Niklas Långström says it’s good to know that people who have the greatest risk of committing sexual offenses. For if a person knows he has a problem, he can call and get help, so that he will be better able to control themselves:
– There is a good guide line in Stockholm County Council called Preventell. It can be contacted if you are worried about his sexuality, saying, Långström.

The number to Preventell is 020-66 77 88th


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