Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Apple sweeps the carpet with Android – selling more in a day than they did a year – Business Week

Apple Watch sells like hot cakes. In just one day sold to more bells than samtiliga Android General did in a year.

The interest in Apple’s new smart watch has been milder than when the technology giant previously released phones. This has not stopped Apple from Google board by far. In just one day, Apple has managed to sell more Apple Watches than the number of Android Wear smartwatches sold in a year, according Slice Intelligence.

In 2014, sold namely 720 000 pieces of watches that used the Google Android operating system. The bells came from a variety of manufacturers such as Motorola, LG and Samsung.

This contrasts that Apple sold 970,000 Apple Watch the first day clock could be ordered. This writes Business Insider.

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This creates problems for Google. Android has long been seen as an alternative for the more price-sensitive customers. Which is confirmed by the fact that iPhone users spend significantly more on and in apps than Android users. This makes the Apple AppStore into a more viable alternative than Android’s Google Play for both advertisers and developers when they know that Apple’s customer base will mean more money per user.

Despite this, Android has managed to win over many advertisers and app developers. Very due to taking back what they lack in purchases per user by simply having so much more users than Apple’s iOS. The amount has made it possible to fakstiskt earn even more in Android apps.

2014 sold the entire 1 billion Android phones. A gigantic sum that Apple is far from it, writes Business Insider. Now Apple seems to be taking a firm grip on SmartWatch market, a market that is expected to grow tremendously in the coming years.

If Apple manages to keep grip on this market, it would in the long run could mean many hard blow to Android then operativsystemtet can not live on to be the biggest longer. Advertisers and developers could then be tempted to give priority to Apple instead.

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