Thursday, March 26, 2015

The battle for live video streaming has begun – and it brought on Twitter –

Last week giant hullabaloo South by Southwest place in the United States. Shortly before appeared Meerkat up, an app that sends live video directly from your phone via a link on Twitter. The American tech geeks became crazy and filmed everything from their sleeping dogs when they read, and everything in between. The app was predicted a bright future.

But sometimes it soon. Only after a few days so limited possibilities Twitter Meerkat using their API. For they had their own ace up his sleeve.

Since January, they owned namely Periscope, a company that had not even launched their service when they were sucked up by 140 characters giant. They want to create a sense of presence through streaming video from phones.

– We build is not a live streaming businesses, we build a teleportation companies, says Kayvon Beykpour, founder of Periscope, according to The Next Web.

And today was released app for iOS, for just as in the case Meerkat as they wait to be let in the world Android users in the heat. The glove is thus subject to a war over who should take care of our live streams with casual content. And there are differences between apps.

The Meerkat disappear material as soon as the user stops transmitting, in Periscope can be saved for later. When Meerkat was most hyped last week could hardly start someone else’s flow before it was finished – a tad unnerving. The Periscope can send hearts by clicking on the screen – a simple and correct ingenious way to display the sender that you like what you see.

But streaming video is of course nothing new, although the last few weeks of hype can make it seem so. Since 2008, the Swedish Bambuser offered almost exactly the same service as the American upstarts now trying to do something new and hip.


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