Sunday, September 28, 2014

Navigators and storage practices among this week’s hottest gadgets. – Computer Sweden

New navigators from Garmin

car navigators – there they? Yes, it is still a popular segment of the electronics market, primarily because smartphones given its versatile functionality gladly used for other things (read: it will be an awful hassle to time). Moreover, they offer modern GPS navigators both big screens and lots of extras. Garmin’s new nuvi Advanced series is no exception. It offers units with 5,6 and 7-inch screens, multi-touch screen, bluetooth, smart mobile link and integrated Foursquare app. Prices range between 1700 and 3100 crowns.

Multitalented gaming screen

Benq has launched a so-called hybrid screen that should interest those who use their PCs for more work-related tasks and for games. XL2420G called screen which allows the user to switch between gaming settings and Nvidia technology Gsync. A screen that offers the best of both worlds, in other words. At least if you believe the Benq. The price is 4 000.
/> Denon jump on the multi train

It should be a multirumsystem in years, if you’re up to hi-fi . The Denon hangs on the system Heos is thus no super bang and just as with all other systems of the same type can also this is corrected by smart phone or tablet. In addition to the wireless speakers are devices for amplifying or range extension also in the product portfolio. Prices start at 2650 dollars and up depending on how many parts you want.

Tight budget electronics

Bands and smart watches are perhaps nice and funny gadgets. They are also both contested and expensive. Here’s a piece called Fitted electronics for a price equivalent to 350 crowns. It’s all about the bracelet Misfit Flash that can both be used to log physical performance, and to measure the quality of sleep. The band makes its premiere in the United States in October and so far there are no details of any Swedish distributor.

Touchscreen anything?

Who said your kitchen table did not have multi-touch screen? Or your hall wall, breakfast bowl, rug or skylights for that matter? With Touch + from Ractiv do anything for a trackpad for your computer. The whole is made possible by two cameras that follow the user’s hand movements. The device connects via USB and works with Windows as well as OS X and Linux. The price is equivalent to 500 crowns. And then you add on shipping, too, for a Swedish importer does not exist in the current situation.

Smooth usb memory

You’ve probably had various obsessions concerning where the USB stick that sticks out from your laptop. An accident happens so easily. Creaking. Brak. Goodbye. In the worst case, with both the computer and the memory stick. This little gems from Sandisk do not risk destroying any hardware. USB 3 flash drive is namely so small and neat that it barely protrudes from the port on the computer. Rates from SEK 300 for 16 GB.

Keyboards für lle

Microsoft has identified an audience that already been a bit overlooked in the accessories page, Users of devices on many different mobile platforms. In October release, therefore their product Universal Mobile Keyboard – a keyboard that works with Windows, Android and iOS devices. The price is equivalent to SEK 550 in the United States.

An attractive thermostat

Let’s face it – nobody talked about thermostats before Google bought Nest. But now, Google has actually bought Nest and now therefore each new thermostat with every futuristic touch disproportionate space in the media. We would of course contribute to this silly trend and chose a favorite called Zen Thermostat, for short. There’s not much more to say about it than that it’s gorgeous, can be controlled with a mobile and you can only buy in the USA. And so it is an IndieGoGo project too. The price is 1100 SEK.


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