Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Here is KTH’s new supercomputer – Computer Sweden

KTH’s new supercomputer will be named Beskow, by Elsa Beskow, and replace Lindgren invidges 2010 back in the early summer announced KTH that financing was done because it received 100 million from the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), while KTH itself invests 60 million and in addition can add another ten million from industrial collaborations.

The new supercomputer is a Cray XC30 with the 1676 so-called nodes, and a working memory of more than 104 TB. This means that Beskow is six times faster than Lindgren and expected to perform at nearly 2 peta flops. KTH think they can show up Scandinavia’s fastest computer for academic purposes. The predecessor was a year ago, the Nordic region’s third fastest plant and ended up at place 170 on the leaderboard Top500.org.

Should I go for the latest list, then the which came in June, may soon pass Beskow Triolith at the National Supercomputer Center in Linköping, which is on the 94 place with top speed of 407 teraflops. If Beskow can pass 2,000 teraflops end up at number 16 of the world’s fastest computers, but this can of course change a lot before the new supercomputer becomes operational.

KTH state that Beskow in the fall will be tested and tuned and it will not be fully operational until shortly after the turn of the year.


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